Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal. ISSN: 2310-2799.
Sobre Latindex. Latindex es una red de 24 instituciones que operan de manera coordinada para reunir y diseminar información sobre las revistas científicas ...
Latindex is a bibliographical information system available for free consultation. Established as a network in 1997, the project is based on the cooperation ...


Latindex is a bibliographical information system available for free consultation. Established as a network in 1997, the project is based on the cooperation of 17 national resource centers that operate ... Wikipedia
Directory of scholarly journals from Latin America, with direct access to a growing collection of Ibero-American online journals offering full text articles.
Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal. ISSN: 2310-2799.
Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. It includes scientific research, ...
Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal. ISSN: 2310-2799.
Latindex is an information system on scholarly journals (research, professional / trade, and cultural dissemination) published in Latin America, the Caribbean, ...
Science and scientific production in Latin America. The Latindex project]
Latindex. 59289 likes · 398 talking about this. Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe,