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  1. Mycoplasma și Ureaplasma fac parte din familia Mycoplasmataceae și sunt microorganisme acelulare comensale, de dimensiuni foarte mici, care se întâlnesc în special la nivelul orofaringelui, tractului respirator superior şi la nivelul tractului urogenital. Mycoplasmele sunt considerate cele mai mici microorganisme care pot supraviețui singure.…
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    Whereas colonies of some mycoplasmal species may be observed with the naked eye, those produced by ureaplasmas are typically 15–60 μm in diameter and require low-power microscopic magnification for visualization. Mollicutes can be classified according to whether they ferment glucose, utilize arginine, or hydrolyze urea.

    Dr. Anet Varghese

    Doctor of Medicine (MBBS) · 1 years of exp

    No, mycoplasma hominis is usually confirmed on the basis of urine analysis which shows presence of the bacteria or with a sample of fluids from your genital area.
    Q&A: Mycoplasma Hominis
    Mycoplasma is a bacteria (or germ) that can infect different parts of your body. Which body part is affected--your lungs, skin, or urinary tract, depends on which type of mycoplasma bacteria is causing your infection. All mycoplasma infections have one thing in common though. Unlike other bacteria, mycoplasma do not have cell walls.
    There is limited evidence supporting an association between Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Ureaplasma parvum with symptoms or disease in nonpregnant women. However, testing and reporting of these organisms frequently occurs, in part due to their inclusion in multiplex-PCR assays for sexually transmitted infection (STI) detection.