The second (symbol: s) is the unit of time in the International System of Units (SI), historically defined as 1⁄86400 of a day – this factor derived from the division of the day first into 24 hours, then to 60 minutes and finally to 60 seconds each (24 × 60 × 60 = 86400).
Seconds from en.wikipedia.org
The film tells the story of a middle-aged New York banker who, disillusioned with his life, contacts an agency known as "The Company" which specializes in ...
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R · 1966 ‧ Sci-fi/Thriller ‧ 1h 47m
7.6/10 · IMDb 79% · Rotten Tomatoes 4.1/5 · Letterboxd
Banker Arthur Hamilton (John Randolph) gets a call one day from a friend he thought was dead. It turns out that the friend is not a ghost, but was simply faking all along, and was placed into a new existence by a company who can give you a...
Release date: October 5, 1966 (New York)
Cinematography: James Wong Howe
Screenplay: Lewis John Carlino
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Adapted from: Seconds

May 22, 2024 · an extra serving of food given after the first serving has been eaten: Would anybody like seconds?
Seconds from apps.apple.com
Rating (10,552) · iOS
Seconds Pro Interval Timer is the best interval timer for Tabata, HIIT & Circuit Training workouts. As well as being featured by Apple, it is recommended by ...
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Rating (1,887) · $18.49 · In stock
It is about an empowered woman who wants to change parts of her life and win her vision of her life, but with it comes the sacrifice of those specific changes.
Seconds from m.imdb.com
Rating (22,373)
An unhappy middle-aged banker agrees to a procedure that will fake his death and give him a completely new look and identity - one that comes with its own ...
Seconds from www.rottentomatoes.com
Rating (61)
A totally subversive take on suburban horror, taking a nagging sensation of personal dissatisfaction that eveyone experiences even under supposedly idyllic ...
Seconds from www.criterion.com
Seconds, directed by John Frankenheimer, concerns a middle-aged banker who, dissatisfied with his suburban existence, elects to undergo a strange and elaborate ...
Seconds from www.amazon.com
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A surprisingly effective take from Rock on a man with a serious existential crisis. Hitchcockian elements make for taut plot and suspenseful final act.
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A secret organisation offers wealthy people a second chance at life. The customer picks out someone they want to be and the organisation surgically alters ...