Mozilla is a global nonprofit dedicated to keeping the Internet a global public resource that is open and accessible to all.
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Mozilla Foundation

Mozilla Foundation

Software company
The Mozilla Foundation is an American non-profit organization that exists to support and collectively lead the open source Mozilla project. Founded in July 2003, the organization sets the policies that govern development, operates key... Wikipedia
Headquarters: San Francisco, CA
President: Mark Surman
Ownership: the Mozilla Foundation
Founded: July 15, 2003
Revenue (2020): $441 million

The Mozilla Foundation was founded by the Netscape-affiliated Mozilla Organization. The organization is currently based in the Silicon Valley city of Mountain ...
At its core, Mozilla is an activist organization led by the Mozilla Foundation that makes change in the world through a variety of ventures including Mozilla ...
The Mozilla Corporation was established in August 2005 as a wholly owned taxable subsidiary that serves the non-profit, public benefit goals of its parent, the ...