

Also called: parotitis
A viral infection that affects the salivary glands that's easily preventable by a vaccine.
  • Preventable by vaccine
  • Treatable by a medical professional
  • Requires a medical diagnosis
  • Lab tests or imaging often required
  • Spreads in various ways
  • Short-term: resolves within days to weeks
Mumps affects the parotid glands, salivary glands below and in front of the ears. The disease spreads through infected saliva.
Very rare: Fewer than 20,000 US cases per year
Consult a doctor for medical advice Sources: Mayo Clinic and others. Learn more
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Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus that spreads from person to person. Typical symptoms of mumps include swollen salivary glands and a fever.
Mumps from www.mayoclinic.org
Nov 23, 2022 · Mumps is an illness caused by a virus. It usually affects the glands on each side of the face. These glands, called parotid glands, make saliva.
Mumps from my.clevelandclinic.org
Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. It can cause painful swelling in your parotid salivary glands (parotitis). Treatment for mumps focuses on ...
Mumps from en.wikipedia.org
Mumps is a highly contagious viral disease caused by the mumps virus. Initial symptoms of mumps are non-specific and include fever, headache, malaise, ...
What is mumps? Mumps is a contagious illness caused by a virus. It often happens in childhood but is largely preventable with a vaccine.
May 1, 2024 · Mumps, once a common childhood disease, is a contagious viral illness. With the widespread vaccination, the incidence of mumps has decreased ...
Mumps is a disease caused by a virus. You can catch mumps through the air from an infected person's cough or sneeze. You can also get it by direct contact with ...
May 6, 2024 · Mumps is an infection caused by a virus. It's easily spread through saliva (spit) and mucus, the sticky fluid found in your nose and throat.
Mumps from www.immunize.org
Individuals with mumps usually first feel sick with nonspecific symptoms like headache, loss of appetite, and low-grade fever. The most well-known sign of mumps ...
Mumps is an acute infectious viral disease that can cause swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands in the cheeks and jaw. One dose of mumps vaccine, ...