Garlic are members of the allium family, and like most alliums, contain a number of pungent chemical compounds that attack our taste buds and olfactory receptors, inciting them to perk up and pay attention. They don't just have flavor on their own, they make other things taste better as well. At least to an extent.
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Jun 5, 2023 · Why does garlic taste so good? ... Allicin is the chemical compound that makes fresh garlic smell like fresh garlic. When you cut into a garlic ...
Chopped raw, garlic has a pungent taste and odor. But when whole cloves are simmered or roasted, the heat transforms the alliin into new, larger molecules ...
This is why garlic is so much more spicy than, say, onions, leeks or chives. But strangely, an intact raw garlic clove isn't actually aromatic or spicy at all.
Sep 12, 2012 · Just a theory - garlic has a compound that thins the blood. Maybe our genes have some tastes that express themselves to ingest some things in ...
May 4, 2022 · Garlic's characteristic flavor comes from a compound called allicin which is produced when the walls of garlic are broken down. The more you ...
As is the case with many plants, garlic was bred to taste better. Garlic is widely used because it can be paired well with other foods.