Feb 4, 2015 · PDF | This article illustrates how the Tela Botanica project is simultaneously transforming botanical knowledge and breathing new life into ...
To give a introduction to botany for everyone. • To mix the skills and publics : experts/scientists, professional botanists, citizens,.
La page Actualités du site Tela Botanica (tela-botanica.org/actualites) vous ... (documents texte, tableau, fichiers pdf, images) et de les rendre accessible.
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This article illustrates how the Tela Botanica project is simultaneously transforming botanical knowledge and breathing new life into the field of botany.
«Tela botanica»: Une fertilisation croisée des amateurs et des experts | [«Tela botanica»: Cross-fertilisation between amateurs and specialists]
TELA BOTANICA. Tomorrow, botany … Tela Botanica in the future, main objectives… •Promote collaborative work (citizen science, etc.) to collect data.
Abstract. ImageCLEF 2014 has a challenge based on analysis for iden- tifying plants. This article describes our first participation to the multi-.
1: https://www.tela-botanica.org/sites/botanique/fr/documents/biblio/articles_en_ligne/FLORE_DU_KATANGA_SUPPLEMENT_1.pdf ; Suppl. 2: https://www.tela-botanica ...