Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Country in the Middle East
Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia and the Middle East. It covers the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula and has a land area of about 2150000 km², making it the fifth-largest country in Asia and the largest... Wikipedia
Capital: Riyadh
Currency: Saudi Riyal
Population: 36.41 million (2022)
Gross domestic product: 1.109 trillion USD (2022)
Government: Monarchy, Unitary state, Absolute monarchy, and more
Dialing code: +966
Source: World Bank

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Saudi Arabia from en.wikipedia.org
20 hours ago · Saudi Arabia is the only country with a coastline along both the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and most of its terrain consists of arid desert, lowland, steppe, ...
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula. It occupies an area about the size of the United States east of the Mississippi ...
Embassy of the Kingdom of. Saudi Arabia · News · Issues · Contact · Connect with Us · Contact Number. Main Number: (202) 342-3800
Saudi Arabia from www.cia.gov
May 28, 2024 · Background. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and home to Islam's two holiest shrines in Mecca and Medina. The king's official title ...
Saudi Arabia from www.state.gov
The United States is Saudi Arabia's second largest trading partner, and Saudi Arabia is one of the United States' largest trading partners in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia from www.amnesty.org
Stay up to date on the state of human rights in Saudi Arabia with the latest research, campaigns and education material from Amnesty International.
Saudi Arabia from www.hrw.org
Saudi Arabia spends billions of dollars hosting major entertainment, cultural, and sporting events to deflect from the country's poor human rights record.