SnowPak helps you book your ski vacation package to top ski resorts. Save by bundling ski lodging, lift tickets, equipment rentals & transport. customizes ski vacation packages and snowboard trips to the best ski resorts, including lodging, flights, lift tickets, and more.
People also ask
What is the cheapest month to go skiing?
The cheapest month to go skiing is usually after Christmas/New Years and before President's Day. Deals can be found beginning in January through early February. After the holidays are a great time to find budget-friendly deals, as it is considered off-peak for many ski destinations.
How much would a ski trip cost?
Vacation List
Cost Range
$70 - $250 per night
Day pass
$50 - $250
Season Pass (Optional)
$600 - $800 (doesn't count in total cost)
Food and drink
$25 - $90 per day
What is the actual cost of going skiing?
Price Range
Day Ski Pass
$55 - $275
Food and drink
$25 - $105 per day
Lessons (optional)
$80 - $200 per hour (private) or $70 - $130 per 2-hours (group)(doesn't count in total cost)
Equipment Rentals
$30 - $110 per day
What is a ski in ski out hotel?
Ski-in ski-out lodging means exactly as it sounds, a hotel, house, condo, or other accommodation where the mountain slopes are directly outside of your door. This type of housing allows you to ski (or snowboard) directly to the lifts, trails and runs, and then ski home at the end of the day.
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Purchase your lift tickets in advance & save. Amazing deals at hundreds of ski resorts.
Book Early & SAVE! Whistler, BC. Early Booking Offer. Amazing and vast terrain 2 hours from Vancouver. World-class fun and amenities for families and friends.
Tailor your ski holiday to suit you - ski hire, ski passes, and lessons can be added when you book, or later with our 'MyBooking' web app. 6. Spread your ...