5 Main Symptoms That Your Chicken Is Feather Moulting
  1. Sudden and dramatic loss of feathers.
  2. Pale combe and wattles.
  3. Reduction or even complete stop in egg production.
  4. Increase in appetite especially for proteins.
  5. New feather growth.
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Sep 14, 2013 · Chickens usually molt at 1-1 1/2 years of age, at which point they lose feathers and may become more lethargic, pale, and with shriveled combs/ ...
All chickens will molt annually, their first annual molt generally occurring around 16-18. Lucy (Easter Egger). All chickens will molt annually, their first ...
Aug 21, 2009 · If a hen is going to moult, her plumage will first, take on a very dull appearance although, the most prominent symptom of chickens moulting is ...
Sep 8, 2022 · Generally, chickens will lose the feathers around their head and wings first, then the feathers along the back will fall out. As the feathers ...
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If you raised your birds from chicks you may have noticed them molting when they lose their downy feathers in that awkward gangly stage around 4 weeks.
They might eat a little less and their combs will shrink or pale in color. Your chickens might even poop less, as their metabolism slows down.