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  1. A disability is any medical condition that makes it more difficult for a person to do certain activities or effectively interact with the world around them (socially or materially). These conditions, or impairments, may be cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical, sensory, or a combination of multiple factors.

    A disability is a condition that a person has which limits them in some way. People with a disability or disabilities may need to use special equipment that can help them. This can include using a wheelchair, a cane or walking stick, hearing aids, a teletypewriter (TTY) and using specially designed software and hardware for the personal computer .
  2. People also ask
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as: long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder [a person's] full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
    Developmental disability is a diverse group of chronic conditions, comprising mental or physical impairments that arise before adulthood. Developmental disabilities cause individuals living with them many difficulties in certain areas of life, especially in "language, mobility, learning, self-help, and independent living".
    Disability is a condition that a person has which limits them in some way. These conditions may be congenital (present at birth), cognitive (to do with the brain), developmental (appears as the person develops), physical (for example, caused by an accident or infection ), sensory, or a combination of factors.
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines disability in Article 1 as: "long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder [a person's] full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others".
  3. Disability - World Health Organization (WHO)

    WebMay 6, 2011 · Disability results from the interaction between individuals with a health condition, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and depression, with personal and environmental factors including negative …


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  4. Disability - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  5. Physical disability - Wikipedia

  6. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

    WebAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Long title. An Act to establish a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability. Acronyms (colloquial) ADA. Nicknames. Americans with …

  7. Disability - World Health Organization (WHO)

  8. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities